Even in Freezing Temperatures, Burnout Happens – How to Manage Job Search Fatigue Before It Starts

The experience of job searching can feel like a full-time role in itself. It can be fairly draining, rigorous, and at times, feel tedious and repetitive, making it challenging for many job seekers to maintain enthusiasm and stamina in the process. Finding a method and routine that allows you to maintain momentum and energy throughout your job search will be integral to navigating this process with thoughtfulness towards professional growth and personal boundaries, and will help you set clear intentions and attainable goals.

Below are a few quick tips on how to manage fatigue when job searching even before it happens:

  • Evaluate your routine.

Before you even step foot into online job search websites or outside the door to begin your search for that desired role, learn to plan ahead and evaluate your routine to save your time and efforts. This includes time management where you plot your daily schedule, taking care of yourself while embodying a presentable, professional image and exuding confidence. Aside from routine tasks, we can also practice some healthy awareness habits. This includes thoughtfully examining job openings, your daily commute and even the way you present yourself. Evaluating your whole routine will allow you to search for employment in a comprehensive way.

  • Grow your network.

Your network truly is your net worth. Surround yourself with bad influence and you won’t get anywhere. But surround yourself with prospective mentors and established individuals in the industry and you can start laying a solid foundation to curating a comprehensive network. Every single person under your network list should be an important asset and represents a new door for opportunities – reaching out to your network in thoughtful ways while job searching can help you maintain momentum.

  • Evaluate your references and clear up loose ends.

Hopefully, your name should be clear of any past issues that could potentially hinder your job search. This means having the backing of trusted references who can speak positively about you.

  • Go easy on yourself, and seek guidance when needed.

It’s normal if things don’t go your way. After all, timing is everything. Taking breaks every once in a while and seeking guidance from your colleagues and family will only strengthen your spirit to keep moving forward. If things don’t go your way, re-evaluate, take a moment to get back to the drawing board, maintain a hopeful, positive mindset and never give up!

Job searching is no easy feat. It takes meticulous planning, preparation and patience to land that ideal job. While fatigue may creep its way in, it’s important to prevent this from happening and maintain your composure when it does come. Get out there, take your chances, and believe in yourself. Good luck in your job search journey!