Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea of “I wish I was somebody else.” More often than not, we think and believe that someone or rather, most people are better than us.- when in reality, the fact is, most people are more scared than us.   One key to … Read More

Just Say I Don’t Know

Why am I writing this? I don’t know. I can give reasons, but I can’t be sure they are accurate. Such ignorance is okay, or at least it should be. The temptation is always to explain, but that often does nothing useful. In fact, it can just get in the way of actual understanding. Let me explain…   Rationalization is … Read More

Fishing for a job online

There was a time when a person who wanted to find work had to buy a newspaper and look through the classified ads section. The advent of the internet has changed that by creating opportunities for people to work either in a different state or in another country.   Online job hunting is not just for professionals. It caters to … Read More

Office Management Tips

One of the many ways that you can go about becoming a better office manager is by staying well aware of your time. Time management is an important component of office management. Office managers are known for having long and large task lists. To accomplish each of your daily and weekly activities before their deadlines, you will need to have … Read More

What is a resume and why is it so important?

In the competitive, internet-driven world of job searches, your resume represents you to potential employers. It serves as your tool to attract attention, get the interview and/or get a job. A great resume will make you stand out from other candidates by showcasing your aptitudes.   Think of your resume as your sales pitch – you need to sell yourself … Read More

The Power of Thought

Look around you. Perhaps you see a chair. This chair is real and exists in time and space. Yet before it came into being, it first existed as a thought. In fact, everything in the room existed as a thought at some point in someone’s mind. Who you are today and the reality you have created is a result of … Read More

Public Speaking: The Power Of Words

Your words are power. Think of the number of people you have made smile by saying, “I really appreciate you.” Or the number of people you have hurt by saying, “Can’t you do anything right?”   Use your words more effectively… 1. Understand their influence. Do not use or choose your terms lightly. A wrong word can turn an audience … Read More

Unreasonable Requests

It is probably the number two task of leadership — asking. You ask people to do things, and when they do — well, stuff happens. But what really extends your ability to make big things happen is asking for things that are “unreasonable.”   What is unreasonable? Asking people for things you have no right to expect from them, which … Read More

We Sell For Less and Our Stores Are a Mess!

What kind of image do you present when marketing your products? Are you professional and well organized or does your store/site/whatever scream, “sloppy!” to those who matter the most: your customers?   Let’s see how one leading retailer is winning the sales war, but losing an important battle: store organization. As much as price is a driving factor in winning … Read More

Honesty in Business!

What I want to discuss in this article is the basic idea of honesty. The internet is a wonderful place to do business and, any of us that have worked in this field for awhile know that traffic is king. The one major challenge with doing business online is that we don’t always get to be face to face with … Read More