Summer is Here! How to Keep a Sunnier Outlook When the Job Search Feels Bleak

Sun’s out, guns out! If you aren’t feeling the summer festivities and prefer to ostracize yourself from the crowd instead due to being unemployed or underemployed, look at the bright side! This season, your journey continues in your job hunting escapade with these few but reliable tips:   Celebrate small victories No matter where you are in your job search, … Read More

How to Leverage Your Current Position to Get the Job You Want

While luck may not have been on our side during critical and initial times when we had to make a drastic choice about our career path, it doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t arrive eventually. In some cases, the majority of the working class were forced to deal with the cards at the table during a particular time. But that doesn’t … Read More

How to Breathe Easier and Let Go of Work Stress

As we ease into the first quarter of 2022, most of us may have already experienced the stress at work and the bombardment from our daily lives. Ranging from our day to day activities and not to mention our obligations and responsibilities outside of the workplace, sometimes we just need some time to breathe.   Below are a few tips … Read More

Changing Careers? A Few Tips to Keep In Mind

If you feel like you’ve had enough and can no longer muster the strength of the daily grind just to go over your daily work routine again and again, then maybe it’s time for a change! Although this process may seem frightening at first, keeping in mind a few tips and tricks under your sleeve will have you enthusiastic and … Read More

Feeling Blue? Tips for Coping Through a Winter Job Search

As if the winter season isn’t tough enough, the challenges of a job search may keep you feeling more than blue. If you’ve been feeling sluggish this winter season due to fewer than usual job openings and a lack of vitamin D, you’re not alone. Rather than staying frozen in negativity, consider the ways in which this downtime may be … Read More

New Year, New Documents: The Importance of Updating Your Resume

Now that the New Year has begun, it’s a great time to get back to business and reflect on your professional goals for the year. Taking the time to ensure that your Curriculum Vitae – also known as your resume – is in top shape is an integral first step to curating a marketable and professional identity. One mistake many … Read More